“Surfing St Tropez”

09 Sep 2013

Hurry up…

In a world stuck in fast-forward, when the novelty has already worn-off,

when we don’t even have time to appreciate, when everything tends to look the same, when you shop and photoshop, Let’s embrace imperfection again, Let’s take a break, Let’s take the time…

Time to watch, on the terrace of a red and white café, a spluttering Vespa.

Time to look at a swelling wave, your feet in the sand and a board in the hand, Before you paddle out and ride the wave…

There are so many images and pictures we hold in our heart, it is like our secret identity, deep down in our soul.

Why do we care so much?

Maybe because the names of BB and the Che will never disappear.

Maybe because one does not want to choose between Saint Tropez, this mythical hang out in the 1960s, and the superhero surfer of the 2000′s.

These emblematic popular figures play an essential role in the composition and upholding of social imagination and collective identity.

Proust’s Madeleine for some, idealization for others, they do not bridge the gap between generations. These often timeless cultural icons gather and reassure in a world stuck in fast-forward…

Surfing the web or the trends, Celine Chat takes these phrases literally. As Voltaire put it:”Passions are the winds which fill the sails of the human vessel; sometimes they sink it but without the winds of passion a person cannot make his way”.

« Sea, sex and sun » Gainsbourg sang, here it will be « Surfing St Tropez » !

October 5- 10, 2013 – Galerie du Lavoir Vasserot, place des Lyces, St Tropez – Opening exhibition Saturday, October 5 from 19h.



Texte : Céliane PONS

Traduction : Céline NGUYEN

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